Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Get Rid of Pimples Fast

Pimples are skin problems characterized by zits, acne, spots, and tiny bumps. These are skin irritations that cause some problem to a lot of people around the world. Pimples cause physical and emotional disturbance, which make sufferers to search for answers on how to get rid of pimples fast. In addition to knowing various courses to get rid of pimples fast, it is also beneficial to learn the chief causes of this skin problem.

Causes of Pimples

Pimple is a skin infection caused by clogged skin pores. Usually, the main reasons why skin pores are clogged is because of too much sebum production due to the over activity of the sebaceous glands. Aside from that, bacteria, dead skin cells, dirt, and other skin impurities lead to blocking of skin pores which results to pimple formation. Once a pore is blocked, it can develop to whitehead or blackhead, which further leads to pimple.

Pimples are formed because of a lot of factors like reaction to strong chemical contained in cosmetic products, poor diet, and hormonal imbalances. There can also be genetic link to the formation of pimples. There are certain skin types, specifically oily skins, which are prone of developing pimples and acne. Aside from that, some researches show that dark-skinned or those with high melanin levels are less susceptible of acquiring pimples as compared to fair-skinned individuals. Thus, Caucasians are often the victims, who always look for means to get rid of pimples fast.

Pimples range from mild to severe. Severe pimple type often leads to permanent scars that affect a person’s appearance. Usually, the mode of treatment of severe pimples and acne entails advanced and complicated techniques such as laser therapy and cosmetic surgery. The result of this would take longer than other treatment options.

For a lot of people who suffer from pimples, this condition can be serious and causes annoyance and embarrassment. Though there are effective methods to get rid of pimples fast, you cannot permanently keep this from occurring.

How to Get Rid of Pimples Fast

The common pimple remedy carried out by skin experts can typically be classified into three:

1. Use of over-the-counter products
2. Prescribed medications and solutions
3. Antibiotics and other dermatological options

To know the mode of treatment to get rid of pimples fast, you have to know the severity of your condition. In mild to moderate pimple condition, topical treatments may be effective. On the other hand, in severe types of pimples, taking prescribed medications and antibiotics may be necessary.

One of the miracle drugs used to get rid of pimples fast is Accutane. This is derived from vitamin A and said to be the most potent medication to get rid of pimples fast and efficient. On the other hand, those who suffer from mild to moderate pimple outbreak shouldn’t resort to this as this medication causes side effects to the body. Some of the common side effects of Accutane include headaches, hearing difficulties, vision problems, rashes, and pain. Also, this shouldn’t be taken by pregnant and lactating mothers as it can have a negative effect to the unborn child.

For those suffering from nodule or cyst acne, laser therapy and surgical techniques are often recommended. These are advanced procedures that can get rid of pimples fast and effectively.

Home Remedies for Pimples

Using home and natural remedies is often successful if your pimple condition is still in the mild or moderate condition. More often than not, home remedies to get rid of pimples fast are very easy to do. The ingredients and substances required can be easily obtained in the kitchen or in nearby herbal or drug store.

Here are some of the commonly applied methods to get rid of pimples fast. Do this properly and regularly and you can definitely relieve your skin from annoying pimples. These are also efficient in keeping the skin healthy and nourished.

1. Application of garlic: Rubbing on fresh garlic on pimple-infected skin can get rid of pimples fast. Garlic is a valuable ingredient that contains sulfur. This substance can dry up swelling and inflammation, and destroys the bacteria causing the pimples. Apply crushed cloves of fresh garlic on your face and wait for a couple of minutes before washing with cold water. This reduces the inflammation and keeps the bacteria at bay. You may also take the garlic orally, but keep it fresh to achieve the desired effects.

2. Using baking soda: Baking soda is another effective ingredient used to get rid of pimples fast. This has exfoliating properties that can scrub out dead skin cells and offer relief to pimple symptoms. To use this, add it to some water to make a paste. Smear the baking soda on your face and leave it until it dries. Rinse this off with water after a couple of minutes. This is not just a good exfoliating agent but also absorbs that excess oils on the skin to get rid of pimples fast.

3. Using natural honey: Another helpful method to get rid of pimples fast is with the use of natural honey. Honey has antibacterial properties that can effectively combat the bacteria-causing pimples and acne. If you use honey pack on your face, this enhances your skin condition and helps it keeping it moisturized and radiant at all times.

How to Prevent Pimples

People who are prone of developing pimples should understand that though there are effective ways to get rid of pimples fast, employing preventive measures is still better. First, know your skin type and observe how often you develop pimples.

Once you are able to get rid of pimples fast. Learn about other techniques to prevent these from occurring in the future. The most beneficial way to prevent acne and pimple formation is to always keep your face clean and oil-free. Regularly wash your face with mild soap or facial cleanser with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. You may also use a mild moisturizer to keep your skin from drying.

Always keep your skin hydrated by drinking lots of water and fluids daily, and eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. This way, you do not only help to get rid of pimples fast, but also make your skin healthy and hydrated.

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