Tuesday, April 10, 2012

How to Get Rid of Acne Overnight

In the event that you are hunting down for information on how to get rid of acne overnight, you have come to the right place. Acne is one of the maddening skin conditions that affect millions of people worldwide. Once you notice a small reddish bump on your face, you would surely feel devastated and think of ways to erase it instantly. Of course, no one wants to have acne scattered on his or her face. Individuals who constantly acquire acne need to learn the different methods on how to get rid of acne overnight.

Though acne and pimples commonly occur among teenagers, these can as well come out among adults. Teenagers are often the victims of acne since they are at the age when their hormones are changing. During the puberty stage, both male and female can acquire acne since the hormone responsible for the production of sebum and oil on the skin increases. Thus, as soon as you notice even a single acne outbreak, you immediately look for ways on how to get rid of acne overnight. Surely, all of those who unfortunately got struck by this skin condition want an instant solution.

Before finding out the different courses on how to get rid of acne overnight, it is essential to learn about the causes of this. As mentioned earlier, teenagers are most often the victim of acne because of their hormonal condition. However, adults can also acquire acne because of several factors. Among the reasons why acne develops are due to hereditary reasons, poor hygiene, too much exposure to irritants, stress, inadequate hydration and moisture of the skin, use of cosmetic products with harsh chemicals, and many others. Despite all these causes, the main reason why acne occurs is because the skin pores get clogged when there is excessive production of sebum. This then leads to the entrapment of dirt and bacteria causing inflammation and infection. And this condition is characterized by small reddish lump with pus, called pimples or acne.

Now, if you want to know the different processes on how to get rid of acne overnight, study and learn the following helpful tips.

Application of essential oils

Putting on some essential oils on distressed skin is one helpful means on how to get rid of acne overnight. The common essential oils used to treat acne are primrose oil, lavender oil, sandal wood oil, and rosehip oil. You can choose any of these or a combination in alleviating your acne. Apply enough amount of the essential oil of your choice on your acne. To better use the essential oils and effectively treat your acne, consult an aromatherapist.

Use of dried basil

Obtain a few tablespoons of dried basil and combine this to a bowl of water. Heat the solution while continuously stirring until it boils. Let it boil for 10 to 15 minutes before putting off the fire. After that, let it cool for about 30 minutes. If you want to learn how to get rid of acne overnight using the dried basil mixture, get a cotton ball and dip it in the solution. Squeeze out the cotton ball to remove the excess water. Then, rub the cotton ball with dried basil solution on the face, concentrating on the areas with acne. Do this procedure twice daily, once in the morning and in the evening. To achieve better results, apply the solution before going to bed.

Using orange peel

Making use of orange peeling is also a proven helpful procedure on how to get rid of acne overnight. First, obtain orange peelings and grind these using a mortar and pestle or a grinder. Make a paste-like substance out of the ground orange peel by adding some water. After making enough quantity of orange peel paste, smear this evenly on to your face. Leave this for 15 to 30 minutes before thoroughly washing it with water. Repeat doing the process the next day. You would soon notice positive changes on your skin. The size of the acne decreases once and the inflammation fades.

Making use of milk of magnesia

Another technique on how to get rid of acne overnight is the application of milk of magnesia. This is among the sure and proven methods that to ease pimples and acne without delay. Get a cotton ball and put a few drops of milk of magnesia. Rub this on to your face, focusing on the areas with acne. Leave the solution on your face for 30 minutes to one hour. After that, wash your face with cold water. Do this two to three times daily to achieve fast and better result. The milk of magnesia kills the causative bacteria and reduces the skin inflammation.

Using flour

If you further want to learn how to get rid of acne overnight, use gram flour on your face. Add 3 teaspoons of flour with some honey to make a paste-like substance. If you prefer, you may also add 2 drops of lemon juice and yogurt. Once you have mixed all the substances well, apply this on your face. Allow this to stay for 15 minutes, and then wash it off with clean water. You can also use the gram flour solution as a scrub on your skin.

Utilizing garlic

Garlic is another potent substance used by a lot of people who want to deal with pimples and acne. Rubbing on some garlic on the face is also a good technique on how to get rid of acne overnight. First, get about 3 cloves of garlic and crush it using a mortar and pestle. Adding some water is possible to make a paste-like consistency of the solution. Put this on your face, especially on the areas with acne. Wait for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing it with clean water. If you do this regularly, you can achieve a smoother and more radiant skin without the acne and other blemishes. Garlic is effective in fighting the bacteria causing the acne. However, do not leave the garlic on your face too long as this can irritate your skin.

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